Monday, 23 March 2009

Ooh! Scorpion!

Well, that was exciting! Last night I was sitting at the computer in the study, and suddenly all three cats were in there too, and they were acting suspiciously. I looked down by my feet in time to see Christopher trying to eat a scorpion! So what do I do? Funnily enough my first instinct was to rescue the scorpion! I tried to push it toward the door with my slipper. Then I thought about what I was doing, and thought about the fact that it was a SCORPION, and I stomped on it. And deprived the kitten of his fun. It was about 4 cm long, so not exactly a huge monster or anything, and we've been told that Chilean scorpions aren't poisonous. But really, when it comes down to it, who's going to take the chance? Besides, I suppose not poisonous to us humans is one thing, but to a tiny kitten?

In other news, I went to the first meetup of a new knitting group today! Finally, people to sit and knit and drink coffee and eat cake with. I had a lovely morning. I've been going along to the Wednesday SnB with a bunch of antipodeans for a few weeks, but there's not a lot of knitters there, so while the company (and food) is good, it's not the same as sitting and stitching and admiring other people's work. I had a lovely morning. We're doing it again next Monday, and hopefully every Monday after! We managed to bag the comfy chairs in Starbucks, and were there for a couple of hours. I had a lovely morning.

The only problem with the Starbucks in Shopping La Dehesa (the shopping centre in question)? There's no loo in the Starbuscks, it's all the way at the other end of the mall. Who thoguht of that? I mean honestly, for a coffee shop? Nice raspberry muffins though!

Oh, have I remembered to mention that we have booked tickets home for our Winter/Summer holidays? We arrive in Edinburhg I think on 29 June, and leave on 21 July or thereabouts. We're hoping to have 10 - 14 days in Edinburgh, then the rest of the time down in Bath.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Dia de la Familia

Today ESO held their annual Dia de la Familia. It's basically a big picnic/barbecue/family fun day. Bill is away at the OSF (operational support facility, is what I think that stands for) so the boys and I went alone. But we weren't alone, because we knew plenty of people there. Being part of a relatively small community in these circumstances is good, because no matter what the event, there will be a few families we know.

And we will know even more soon - I was asked to help out with the "ESO Spouses Support Team", so now I'm on the "committee" and am responsible for emailing new people before they arrive and introducing us, and inviting them along to coffee meets and stuff like that. So now I get to be the first person to meet all the new people. I like that.

Anyway, I took a few photos of the boys doing fun stuff today, and they are on their flickr page, and some new videos as well, which can be found at my youtube page.

Bill is due back on Monday evening, but we have plans to meet Jennifer and Vivi tomorrow for ice cream. And we might go out to lunch beforehand. Because otherwise we might slob around the house all day in our jammas.

Oh and in case TT doesn't get around to blogging it himself, he lost another tooth yesterday. I think that is number 5! N also has a loose tooth, his first.

Otherwise, we're all just doing away. School is happier this term, as we have more friends. I seem to be doing stuff every day. Which means that I'm not finding time for Spanish lessons. I've had 30 hours so far, but it's been almost a fortnight since my last lesson, and it's obvious...